Wednesday 7 March 2012


Hello all,

Firstly I would like to introduce myself, I'm Chris, the Finance, HR, Online and Networking Director for Vicki Evans - Handmade Jewellery. That title is totally made up and in the eyes of HMRC I'm not involved in any part of Vicki Evans. 

I was originally going to be the blogger for Vicki as stated above 'from a husband's perspective' but she wasn't so keen on the idea so I set up her own blog. Although if your a follower of us on Facebook or Twitter you have probably already spoke to me pretending to be Vicki. Vicki is not really one for social networking and things computer related so it fits quite well that I can while the hours away on the computer looking all busy as its for the good of the company.

This blog as stated is the life of the business through my eyes, how I see it. It is in no way related to Vicki Evans and you shouldn't judge her business from this blog. So please do keep up with me and follow my blog, maybe even check out the website, I've linked it many times already. My upcoming blog post will be talking about Craft fairs, and the hidden world of the craft fair.

See you soon 


  1. Its funny you should say that, I was just telling my girls how awkward it is sometimes when your tweeting someone and you get the inkling its a man your talking to not a woman x

  2. Im terrible at it, thats why I decided to do my blog where I can be me. I always reply back as me and not the business page!
